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Karen’s Commencement speech

The EMS Commencement Committee has selected Karen to be the speaker for the December 2017 EMS Commencement Ceremony.

In selecting Karen for this honor, the committee recognized her years of hard work, her academic leadership excellence, her communication ability and overall professionalism, as well as the value of her proposed speaking theme.

The key message of her address was:

1- To take risk for no one wins by being fearful;
2- To know and believe in one self because no one else will;
3- To cheer up as it is so important to remain uplifted when going through any challenges because only by doing so can one keep pushing through and allow opportunities to present themselves;
4- To take a moment to be grateful because no one succeeds on their own; it takes a village.

Karen Kakou used her story of overcoming financial troubles and other challenges she faced for some time which threatened her pursuit of higher education. However, she had the zeal and determination to finish school and achieve her life’s goal of becoming an Industrial Engineer; which she finally did eight years later. Karen’s determination led to multiple hands-on opportunities including a full-time job and other undergoing business opportunities.


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